November 18, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

Monday, you came to soon! I enjoyed a pretty close to perfect filled with nothing but relaxing and savoring every moment I got to lay around in my PJ's, nothing planned, and going about my days with whatever I felt up to do! To make my weekend even better, I received a surprise package in the mail from one of my dearest blogging friends turned real life friends, Chelsea!
Chelsea, if you are reading this, you are so kind and so special to me! I love you to pieces and thank God for putting you in my life. I can't thank you enough for my "Happy" package :) The nail polish is perfect to wear this fall/winter (and I don't have this color so I am happy I get to add it to my growing collection)! And that gold and black pouch is perfect! You know me to well and my love for all things GOLD! I have already filled it up with my lipsticks and carry it around in my big ole' purse! You guys...God is so amazing and will bless you with amazing friends if you let him. I don't deserve friends like Chelsea, but am so excited to see how God uses her in my life!
This might be a short post, but the only other things I did this weekend was a couples dinner on Saturday night at a place called Bricktop's and church on Sunday morning! Sometime's you just need to take it easy and go slowwww. Everyone is different. Some people like to go out, some people like to travel, and others like to just kick back and chill. Depending on how my week goes, I like to do all of those things! But that's why I am not bothered by the fact that I don't have much to report on today. I ENJOYED and needed a restful and calm weekend like the one I had. But even though I was pretty lazy, I was excited to catch up with you guys today :) So until tomorrow, have a great Monday sweet friends!

Sami's Shenanigans


  1. I love surprise packages! They're the best :)
    Happy Monday!

  2. such a sweet gesture! and I love that gold pouch, i'm a sucker for anything gold! have a great week :)

  3. I love relaxing weekends! Especially when everything is about to get crazy with the holidays, this is the perfect time to just chill out!

  4. Aw I love seeing when blogging friends become real life friends. It's such a fantastic way to meet great girls! Glad you had a good weekend :)

  5. Love bricktops!!!! Their buffalo chicken pizza is my jam. :) and I was at church on Sunday too...through the tv! :) miss FHC so much!!! xx

  6. Surprise packages are the best! Weekends like the one you have are very rare but great when they come. I don't mine weekends were there is nothing planned.

  7. Oh my gracious, you are far too precious! This has made my day! I am so glad your "happy" package has filled your heart. LOVE that you're already using your pouch, love even more that we are both gold-obsessed! ;) The Lord is SO good and I am SO humbled and blessed by your friendship sweetgirl! Love you bunches :)

  8. What a sweet friend you have! Relaxing weekends are the best! They're so short so might as well enjoy them as you like!

  9. Isn't getting packages the best?!?

  10. Surprise packages are so fun! Happy almost birthday, girl!

  11. I spy Ally!! So glad you had a great weekend and I can't wait for this upcoming one!!!


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